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 I have a great interest in illustration, my works are narrative based, and centre around fairy tale and fantasy themes.

I use either gouache and watercolour, or silk cut lino to create my works. I am drawn to the versatility and powerful way of communicating ideas to a broad range of people that fairy tales allow. 

My work has been based primarily on the classic fairy tales collected by the Brothers Grimm, not retelling any one tale but rather tying the threads of different stories together then letting the audience interpret the meaning behind the composition, making their own narrative.

 I have created a large scale gridded work which also reflects the fairy tale, researching the tales from the Brothers Grimm, I have  used gouache and watercolour to create the work which takes elements from several tales, to create new meaning.

The elements of fantasy and allegory, (for example the use of animals, both natural and hybridized to portray a character type) is important in my work.


Tales of Human Folly” 2012

Detail from “Tales of Human Folly”2012

“Safety” 2013

“Hiding” 2013

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